Powell Cooley

  • Looking back on the year of 2005, I was reminded of some of my favorite video games of the halloween. I reviewed quite a few games 12 months for many regional newspapers. I’m going to share some of those games that separated itself for the gaming year, 2005.

    If include followed easy steps and feel completely comfortable in doing you find.…[Read more]

  • Sensei Bettencourt can train almost anyone, male or female, to be combat-ready in only two days of 8 hours each day of intensive reality based situations and relationships.

    One day Matt suggested we start keeping track of all our battles in a log. I’ve always been a fan of making lists, i was all for it. We used financial ledger that was…[Read more]

  • Charles: Now, there’s a myth going around, we’ll find out if you think it’s a myth or if it’s real, but lots of people believe that when they enroll in a dojo or wherever it is potentially they are learning martial arts that they are unquestionably on a program that usually takes them several months if not years to get to the point where they…[Read more]

  • I had been studying kung fu for about the couple of years now. To be quite honest, I could never get in the belt thing. I mean , that I saw how earnestly everyone strove so hard to learn their fighting forms or more well known as katas in other fighting styles. Take into Street Fighter v Champion Edition Codex didn’t care which i was still a white…[Read more]

  • Powell Cooley became a registered member 2 years, 4 months ago