Long Ernst

  • Looking back round the year of 2005, I was reminded of some of my favorite video games of the same year. I reviewed quite a few games 12 months for many regional newspapers. I’m sharing some of those games that stood out for the gaming year, 2005.

    So with an outdoor oven do, is add VSTs together, add an effect plug-in within the synth VST.…[Read more]

  • If you have been involved in video gaming since childhood, you have heard of Street Fighter The second. There was a first Street Fighter, but it was this one that started the fighting game craze. It’s got one major competitor, which I’ll regarding in future inquiries. But nevertheless, it still is amongst the greatest games for all time. I’ll be…[Read more]

  • Amazing, right? But George Foreman’s words provide hope to us all. And the story of how he came obtain $137.5 million for his share within the George Foreman Grill is similarly attractive.

    “You got kind from a problem, hi there?” replies Norm when shoved by this guy, realizing that he the black belt and get him out with all of your…[Read more]

  • I used to become an arcade nut. I spent most of my time from my video games hot spots to play probably the most up-to-date fighting, shooting, and racing games. I would also frequent film game stores at the mall with my friend. We would compete against each other in popular arcade games like Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. Video gaming were a…[Read more]

  • Long Ernst became a registered member 2 years, 4 months ago